
Monday, December 17, 2012

Playing with Summer

It is cold and dark outside, and nothing is blooming. 
So I played with the trays of pressed petals and flowers that I collected in the summer. 

The translucency and delicate fragility of these petals is so beautiful.  I had to move them gently and with patience so as not to break them.  Winter has its own cold, dark beauty that I love, but I was happy to have a bit of summer to play with and enjoy today.


  1. those petals still carry the memory of summer Kim,
    I have been wandering through my garden looking at hellebores and even tiny crocus noses already showing, rosehips and the clusters of berries on the ivy, nature never fails to inspire, xx

  2. the summer memories lighten us up in these cold and dark days!

    Have a very merry christmas!

  3. Wow! These are beautiful. And memories of summer days are quite welcome right now. It's gray and can't seem to decide if it really wants to rain. Thank you for sharing a bit of summer.

  4. How nice to feel the puff of a breeze reach me through this post, Kim. Merry Christmas! -sus

  5. Beautiful and sunshine cheery - but seriously - you have time to play? one week before Christmas?

  6. Lovely and delicate! How nice to have some summer for you to play with during your frigid winter! Merry Merry!

  7. yes, the patience factor in this is key.
    i'd have to step down a few gears, and then UP, the beauty glows....
