
Friday, December 21, 2012

Unexpected Gifts

In the past few months I have received a few unexpected gifts in the mail.  First my sister sent me some leaves that have been eaten away by some sort of insect.

I find them so beautiful, and enjoyed playing with them.

Then a blogging friend, Mano sent me some beautiful leaves from her part of the world, plus a lovely postcard of her work. 

I so adore all of these leaves, and will treasure them. 

And then a few days ago I received this amazing little cup from my blogging friend Norma. She has such a steady hand to be able to paint this tiny wee little bird. 

It is amazing, the whole cup is so lovely, and I love how it looks on my Christmas tree. 

But once Christmas is over, it will find its home with a small chair I made some time ago.
I feel so very blessed to have so many wonderful blogging friends that always leave me so many wonderful and supportive comments - each one of them a gift that makes me smile and warms my heart. 
 And a special thank you to my sister Tracey, Mano and Norma for these cherished and unexpected gifts.


  1. Yes, these connections that we make are so important! Even if we may never meet in real life, true friendships still can develop.
    That cup is amazing!!!
    Happy holidays!

  2. Aren't you the lucky one! (I covet that cup {and your chair!} LOL) Have a very Merry Christmas! From a devoted reader and blog pal! :)

  3. I remember your little chair and its just the place for that lovely little cup.
    Hope you have Merry Christmas.

  4. Those skeletonised leaves are wonderful Kim, so delicate and a work of art in their decaying state.
    So nice to receive surprise parcels in the mail. Love pressed leaves and flowers and that little cup is just tooooo sweet.

    Enjoy the holidays......

    Claire :}

  5. Beautiful gifts, Kim. Merry Christmas! We gained one minute of daylight today here in Southeast... -sus

  6. :)))
    ... and a happy new year to you all, kim.

  7. Greetings... I had a whole yard of the skeletonized leaves this summer, from my neighbor's American Elm tree. I gathered a bunch of them and quickly collaged them onto a printed tissue background, adding brushed metallic highlights. I love finding these treasures of nature! Cynthia S.

  8. Blogging friends and sisters.... they add so much to our lives! Love everything about this post. xo

  9. you are a wonderful friend, dear kim. thank you! your post is so touching. mano

  10. OMG! How cute is that? What a wonderful gift to receive!

    Bird Lady approves!

    - Sherrie
