
Monday, February 25, 2013

Creating Daily

Five or six years ago I made a new year's resolution to 'Create (almost) Every Day'.  My goal was to create daily, but if I couldn't find the time daily, I would accept that and be happy when I could. 
Over those years, I have come to understand that my need to create is a big part of who I am.  I must do it just the same as I must brush my teeth or eat healthy food.  I can survive without it, but it is not good for me. Without it I feel out of balance, a great anxious feeling builds up within me. 
What I have discovered is that the creations don't have to be big, or perfect... although my liking them does help in my feeling of balance and happiness. 
Last week I purchased a tiny sketch book that I can easily take with me, and draw in.  It is a perfect place for some small creations that helps keep me balanced when I don't have the big bits of time in which to create. 



  1. Hey Kim, I know what you mean about the need to create daily........I always take a book and pencil with me wherever I go. It makes waiting around so much easier and more enjoyable.
    Your drawings are just art works......

    Claire :}

  2. Love your little book. Not only is it charming, but it will capture those small moments and ideas that might slip away. Lovely!

  3. Hi Kim, what a great little sketch book and just the right size to take anywhere! Amazing art work!
    Have a great week!

  4. your blog screams that creating is a part of who you are. I think that your notebook is a perfect idea. I have a little journal by my bed that I keep to write down ideas for me to write about for my blog. happy creating kimmy xx ash

  5. I'm just loving the circles. So mysterieux Kim. I just came across (while sorting some things) some gold coloured globes/circles in a 'sticker' format that my daughter popped into my Christmas stocking this year. They are all grouped together and meant to be attached in one set and they look like a 'spray' of circular gold bubbles or something. I can imagine in my head, one of your mysterious drawings with circles applied. Your work is so unique. Love this size. I'm looking forward to seeing more like this. *cheers* Norma, x

  6. Your little journal is so cute! Creating is like breathing.....if I stop I suffocate.

  7. This is such a great little book already...I love the way you draw. Now why am I not surprised to find leaves in your drawings? :)

    Second from the last has my heart in this group of sketches.

  8. "I can survive without it, but it is not good for me." - that´s it. You´re talking right out of my heart.
    The tiny book is very nice, so nice the drawings, it´s important to do it at least a daily stroke or line.
    Thank you for your kind words at my last post!
    x Stefanie

  9. Me too Kim, I think you know how crazy I've been feeling lately without being able to create (unless you count painting walls and furniture as creating which doesn't do it for me) and I think your tiny sketch book is wonderful, for me it's all about getting paint on my hands and I'm not one much for sketching but I know you are and all your mini sketches are a true delight to see.

  10. You create such beautiful things. That is why this is one of my favourite blogs to visit.

  11. Each sketch here is so filled with personality. Inspiring and thoughtful too.

  12. This is a lovely post. To be creative every day is not an easy thing, but this beautiful little sketchbook makes me determined to try harder.
