
Thursday, February 28, 2013

Listening To The Whispers


"And the day came when the risk to remain tight in a bud was more painful then the risk it took to blossom."

-Anais Nin

Even though I have bits and pieces of jewelry that are waiting patiently to be finished I do not seem to have the creative energy to finish them.  Instead I felt a great need to create a collage. It had to happen .... there were no ifs or buts... just the need to create a collage.  And so I cut little bits and pieces and moved them around and around  - drew a little face and moved the pieces again and again until the puzzle was completed.

And then I thought about Jane Davies and her request for postcards to try and keep her little post office open, and decided I should alter it and make it into a postcard to send to her.  Not sure if it will be the version above .... below.... or at the beginning of this post. 


  1. I love this, it's hitting all my quirky buttons :)

  2. Awesome collage! The quote you shared is one of my favorites. :)

  3. Hey Kim! Awesome image. I love your description of your experience of creating this gorgeous piece. I mean it's like an experience and also a process at the same time. A give and a take. Like giving the process, but getting the experience. It's so fabby. I'm about to pop over to Jane Davies spot now, but to share with you...right this minute I'm waiting for gesso to dry on a post card I am making in a collage style. I've started to collage (I've been avoiding doing this for years due to fright) these days. Talk soon, hugs, Norma, x

  4. Just lovely, good thing you did listen! The colors and composition are perfect.

  5. Perfection! There is nothing more to say. :)

  6. seems to me like you're onto jewelry anyway.

  7. I love this collage. The first image would be my choice for a postcard. I am a follower of Jane Davies blog and I have seen the wonderful response she has had to her request for post and am thinking of sending a card myself.

  8. Wandered over from the Kelly Rae blog. Beautiful work, love how its original and quirky. Glad to be part of a possibilitarian community :-)

  9. came from Norma's blog.
    so glad i did.
    your art is so beautiful!
    i am a new follower and and so looking forward to your posts!
    i will be back to look through all of them !

  10. Hi!! Your work is lovely!! I found you thru KRR's Possibilitarian tribe and wanted to give you a hello. I'm compiling a rough contact list of tribe members -- if you'd like a copy, email me at Sending hugs! Deb

  11. wow this is great, so beautiful! lucky person who gets this postcard.
    Music and flowers and I love the bowl... the face is so nice!
    x Stefanie
