
Monday, May 6, 2013

Beautiful Spring Day

 I spent yesterday in the mountains.  It was a spectacular day.

 The mountains were beautiful, but I also found beauty in the silt blowing down the valley, and changing the view at the bottom of the mountain. 

 It looks like mist, but it is actually silt - or rock that has been ground up by the glacier that is at the end of the valley. 

 The silt provided a different layer of beauty to these branches, lake (still frozen) and the mountains.

 The Alaska Highway winds around the end of the lake, at the bottom of the mountain.  If you look carefully you can see a vehicle amongst the silt.   If you don't look so carefully you can just see the beauty of a lovely day I had.


  1. It's finally time to get outside in the sun and get some inspiration. Snow is beautiful, but it's high time we had spring!! Lovely photos.

  2. Amazing views! Thank you for sharing a part of the world I would never otherwise get to see!

  3. Hi, Kim - it must be dry there to allow the silt to blow up like that? Beautiful photos. -sus

  4. Your photos really capture the gigantic-ness of the mountains! I really wish had mountains here...the closest are The Rockies in Colorado which is about 10 hours away. Beautiful pics Kim!

  5. Beautiful photo's. A truly magnificent site.

  6. Your amazing shots took my breath away. Thanks for sharing them.

  7. Kim, the silt effect at the bottom of the mountain reminds me of one of your delicious drawing/collages where it looks like mist at the bottom of the mountain that looks as though it would slowly rise up the mountain. It is one of my favourite pieces that you've done. Maybe you remember it. Now, I see that Mother Nature has fallen suit to you! Beautiful shots here. Heaven. N, xo

  8. Wow, dear Kim, these photos are truly amazing!
    I am so inexpert to look at mountains that I have thought in the last pic that are some interesting clouds in the background... it spend me some time to comprehend.
    I can see the lovely day you had. Blessing...


  9. Just a short jaunt down the highway! So beautiful. It looks as though spring may come after all. Great pics, you captured something grand alright!

  10. Such beautiful images! Alaska looks bewitching, I can almost smell the clear spring air!

    1. Just to clarify. These pictures are of the Yukon, where I live. Yukon is part of Northern Canada - Right beside the state of Alaska which is part of the USA.

  11. I love those majestic mountians. I was there about 20yr ago, one never forgets those giant mountians. Everyone should see Canada and Alaska once in their lifetime. I am in Alabama now, so very different, hot and humid most of the year....starting about now. Your photos cooled me off. You live in a wonderous place.
    Happy Day!
