
Friday, May 3, 2013

Reclaimed Metal Jewelry

I continue to catch up on finishing started creations and finished these 6 pairs of earrings this week.

They are made similar to the brooches and necklaces I have made recently, but I used  paper that I had decorated more colourfully as the background paper.  I then doodled on them and cut them to size.  I added a layer of resin, and a bit of wax before mounting them on a cut and filed piece of metal that I cut from some old metal strapping I had found. 

After the earrings were finished I decided to decorate some cardstock to mount them on.

It is so nice to add these to my finished creations.
I have many more items to finish yet, but every one that I get done feels wonderful!


  1. KIM!! Your work is so gorgeous and the way you present it is simply wonderful!!

  2. Those turned out wonderful. The cardstock tags are icing on the cake! Well done.

  3. What ever you turn your hand to looks so beautiful. I have been catching up and so enjoying the variety and creativity of your different projects. It is such a untouched natural environment where you live, the raw beauty of it really came across in your "beauty " post with the stunning photographs. Loved your handmade books and the tea bag work is always so interesting.. It seems you are really enjoying being creative and hope this means you are feeling well. I could take some good advice and finish off lots of stuff in my unfinished pile.
    Hope you are getting some lovely spring days. I was thinking of you as I watched a programme about Bears in Alaska on the BBC, The scenery just like your photographs. Best wishes. Millyx

  4. the earings are gorgeous, but I love the presentation! They look so stunning on your beautifully decorated pieces of cardstock!

  5. Looks like you're getting ready for a show. Lovely!

  6. as i am sifting through my studio stock, i see i have many projects unfinished. i have no idea yet whether they'll be getting a seeing to... there's years between then and now... mabe they lay unfinished for a reason..?
    earrings are looking SO beautiful, kim!
