
Sunday, August 18, 2013

Bits of Violet Meets Tea Bags

Lately I have been playing with mixed media tea bag creations.
Images of creations collided with tea bags
which I then added pan pastels
paint, ink and whatever else wanted to join in.
I was quite surprised when VIOLET yelled out to join in the fun.
It is not a colour I use often.
But it continued to call out to me
So I listened to it and continued
to create with tea bags, paint, pen, ink, and violet pan pastels.


  1. I'm glad you listened to the violet - they are lovely!

  2. Lovely use of violet. Just a hint...... Perfect!

  3. Maybe more special because you use it sparingly, but the violet was the perfect touch. Very, very nice.

  4. Just lovely, these collages, Kim.

  5. i smile, for i've not been visiting, not in a long time, and it's reassuring you are gping strong in your industry. now, i have soething to draw your attention towards as well, seemingly not holding your email adress, i adress you this way

    we are currently setting up a dream.
    come and have a look at this week's drawing challenge theme, it seems to be right up your stream {nature}....
    feel warmly invited.
    tinywoolf, aka nadine
    2014 DC EVENT

  6. A beautiful way to bring more violet into your life - gorgeous!

  7. Very very pretty work Kim. I can see a long summer dress made from the first image here. So so beautiful.

  8. violet is beautiful in your art
    both pieces are such a joy to see
    taking to heart the details... over and over again

  9. These are beautiful! and the violet is like early morning :)

  10. I love me some violet :) Glad you listened to her calling out for you! Beautiful pieces :)

  11. Wow these are both beautiful! Especially love the bird. You must continue to listen to the violet, it looks stunning!

  12. Violet is such a lovely color addition to your teabag art! Everything you do is so inspiring. You should teach some online classes.
