
Thursday, August 15, 2013

Finding Violet

For the past number of months
I have joined Julie and Jennifer in the search for all the colours of the rainbow.
The last colour of our search is for violet.
I love finding 'violet' in the beautiful flowers

especially in the fields of beautiful springtime crocus.
Violet is a colour I rarely use in my creating, so I challenged myself to use it.
I picked out some deep purple flowers to make this accordion book.


It is now sitting on the windowsill with the light shining through it. 


  1. Fields of violet crocuses sound heavenly! A beautiful book to honor this month's color. Thanks so much for taking part!

  2. All beautiful as always, your photographs of the crocuses are just stunning ...

  3. Those photos are absolutely gorgeous!

  4. Your pictures always blow me away! ♥♥♥

  5. Those crocus photos are absolutely gorgeous! And then there's the book you made - so full of intriguing, rich details...lovely!

  6. Hello there Kim - I was just thinking how lovely it must have been for your daughter that you made her, that special journal , before she headed off on her travels to Europe. Somewhat different to my own departure from Ireland many moons ago - I 'm afraid to say( but its the truth ) - I couldn't wait to get as far away as possible from my mother. There certainly was no love lost between us but then corporal punishment and dogmatism doesn't exactly engender feelings of love and tenderness in a familial setting. Love what you have been doing here with your mixed media approach. I thought these were intaglio prints initially ----have you ever tried working with printmaking - I feel fairly sure that you would have a ball if you did.

    best wishes

    (in Scotland)

  7. p.s. You really ought to add your very inspiring blog header to your Google plus page !!!
