
Wednesday, October 30, 2013

A Tale To Tell

Yes, I have a Tale to Tell.
Some time ago Somerset Studio Magazine had a readers challenge with the topic 'Winter'.  
Living in such a winter part of the world, and enjoying it as I do, I  knew I wanted to submit something. 
I made a little book and mailed it off, not even knowing if it would make it before the deadline.  

But it did, 
and then I got an email asking if I would be interested in writing an article on how I created it. 
And of course I was!

My little book was made with my handmade paper and winter photographs that I have taken.

Yesterday I received my copy of the magazine in the mail.
And WOW!- what a beautiful job they did of displaying my little book.

Three pages of mostly pictures of my little creation. 

And to top that off they even put it on the cover of the magazine!

If you are in a bookstore and see this magazine,
just know that it is for me a dream come true - and one that I wasn't even expecting!


  1. So happy for you!! Can't wait to pick that mag up and read your article! A HUGE congrats for being featured on the cover!!

  2. CONGRATULATIONS! You amazing, talented lady you! So happy for you, and it looks like a beautiful little book, and great photos! Xox

  3. You go girl! That is FANTASTIC! (Can I say 'I knew you when'? LOL) I'll be running right out to B&N to get a copy! ♥♥♥

  4. SO happy for you! Your artwork is stunning and you deserve to be on the cover too! I can't wait to pick up my copy. Congratulations Kim!

  5. it really looks enchanting, congratulations Kim ! xx

  6. oh wow looks gorgeous....congratulations :)

  7. Congratulations! Kim you thoroughly deserve it. Your little book is sooooo beautiful.

  8. CONGRATULATIONS Kim, I'm so excited for you......your work is amazing and it's been recognized as such.
    Enjoy your moment you deserve it and to have a dream come true is a pretty special accomplishment even if you weren't expecting it...........
    Will now have to convince my local newsagent that they have to stock this mag.....

    Claire x

  9. Kim - how exciting - article & cover! Not surprised though - your work is so wonderful - and that little winter-tale book is beautiful. Congrats!

  10. Holy cow Kim!!! Congratulations how wonderful for you and your book of course is a gem!!!

  11. I am so very happy for you! you do such lovely work and have such a passion for where you live. Now so many more folks will get to share in that. I look forward to purchasing my own copy!

  12. Congratulations!!! Doing a happy dance in the studio in your honor. What a thrill! I'll be sure to get a copy. Enjoy!

  13. Congratulations and looks like it was well deserved! Oh, now I have to buy the magazine. That book is gorgeous!

  14. Oh Kim, that's wonderful! Congratulations.

  15. Kim...I couldn't agree is a Dream Come True! I was thrilled to be included in the Nov/Dec issue with such lovely work. Especially fond of your Winter's Tale book <3

  16. Kim, I am delighted for you. Sommerset is a beautiful publication. congratulations!

  17. and no matter how many times I am published ... it still feels so great to see my work in print... they did a fabulous job, beautiful book! I love working with them... congrats and enjoy the feelings!!

  18. Congratulations, Kim! The book looks gorgeous and I think I'll try to get my hands on that magazine.

  19. Very well done Kim, such a beautiful creation - difficult to get that mag here in the UK so thanks for sharing xx

  20. Congratulations! Your art work is fantastic.

  21. Oh my goodness! that's fantastic!

  22. The world has been waiting to meet you Kim! Hello World! Hello Kim! I can hardly wait to get my copy. Congratulations to a well deserving art friend. Thank you for your kind words about my tea cup/saucer. To get the shape I just googled images for lamp shades and traced the shape right on top of the computer screen (with a 6B pencil very very gently) because my printer is not hooked up properly. That gave me the cup shape, and for the saucer I just traced the right size circle from a jar of something or other and cut a small circle out of the very centre of that larger circle. I took the larger circle and sliced through from the center out to the rim and then just overlapped it slightly. That gives the right shape. I glued it and then tucked the smaller circle back into the centre and carefully glued it back in place. Easy peasy. I would imagine how wonderful your cup/saucer would be if you did your tea bag collage style and drawing magic that you do. You could make a magic cup indeed for those winter snow fairies that dance in your woodlands in the eventide. Hugs, N, xo

  23. that is truly awesome, the happening and the little book

  24. This is amazing news! I felt so excited for your while I was reading your blog post. Kim, this is huge! This kind of recognition does not happen every day. I hope you can see the uniqueness of your art and how amazing it is. Well done. xx

  25. Congratulations. I, too, am in that issue and Somerset does indeed do a beautiful job of laying out and making our projects look so wonderful!

  26. absolutely wonderful - congrats!!!! I'll have to get my hands on a copy soon!

  27. I am so happy for you!
    Congratulations it looks super fabulous!

  28. it always takes a little longer until my submission arrives in germany... got the copy yesterday and can only say: you deserve it so much to be featured on the cover!! that book is a treasure! i love nature themes and this one is a very special book! you rock, kim!

  29. Congratulations. I can't blame them for using your book. I wish we could see it "in person."
