
Friday, October 25, 2013

On Holiday

I have been away for the past few weeks.  
I spent some time in Nova Scotia with my sister and her family

and her chickens.

Then I went to Ontario 
- to attend a wedding
- and to celebrate my daughters 20th birthday (and somehow took no pictures that day).

My sister in Nova Scotia has a beautiful black smith shop that she and her husband and family built last year. 

and I got to play with my sister trying my hand at blacksmithing.

My sister makes it look easy . . . .

but its not. 

When I wasn't hammering metal, I enjoyed taking a few photos

of her wonderful work place.

Here are the hooks that I made.  
They took me three times as long to make, and they are not nearly as straight or neat as hers are.

but oh what fun we had.

Here is  what she made for me last year. 
A lot of heated and pounded metal went into the making of the hanger, 
and then she used her amazing handwriting skills to write on a a tree slab. 

What a wonderful holiday I had!


  1. I admire your bravery in trying your had at working with molten metal, Kim. Bravo. Wonderful photos of your holiday - thanks for sharing! (Those chickens!!!!!)

  2. Way cool! It doesn't matter how long it took you to make the hooks! Did you have fun? And look at the beasutiful results! (I've always secretly wanted to try my hand at blacksmithing!) So glad you had such a wonderful holiday!

  3. Beautiful pictures. I love your hooks, creating is more important that straight or perfect. If I even attempted blacksmithing I would be proud of whatever came out. Yours looks fine to me. Make sure you use them and be proud. Looks like you had a great holiday.

  4. Beautiful pictures! Sounds like you had a lovely visit!

  5. Wow, you got to do some blacksmithing and visit Nova Scotia! Lucky you, Kim.
    What a gorgeous workshop your sister has. xo Carole

  6. That is a lovely work space they have. I am always happy to see that there are people still in this world who make things like that by hand. It will ensure our survival as a species.

  7. Wow what a beautiful place! That black smith studio is the ultimate! Somewhat a cave but an utter delight in shape, like a big round boulder! I am most inspired! I love to see women working with men's tools. Imagine what men would say of this photograph back in the middle ages! Women would be burned alive! :O

  8. hello Kim,
    your photos are gorgeous. such a delight to see.
    such a wonderful blacksmith shop, how fun that they taught you things while you were there. Your hooks are awesome as is the sign your sister made you!

  9. I had no idea about the blacksmith experience! such a creative family you have. xx

  10. wow, what a great photo tour and what a creative fam!
