
Sunday, October 20, 2013

I Love Trees

I love trees
especially the ones that have room to stretch out
and show off

and wave to all those who pass by.
Well actually I love all kinds of trees . . . .  but today I am sure enjoying this one.


  1. Amazing! It takes you to another place...which I love!
    Dot x

  2. I love trees too...and I can fully understand why you love this one so much - it is beautiful!

  3. I too so appreciate trees. This is beautiful work!

  4. Beautyful!!!! Both this tree and the flower of the last post! What kind of paper have you used??

  5. As a tree lover also I like to say that you captured the miracle of a tree perfectly with this wonderful artwork.
    xo Barbara Bee

  6. I am wildly crazy about this one Kim! Wildly crazy. Strong strong roots on a delicate ground. I cannot say enough how I adore your work and how exciting it is for me to view your 'stuff' ~~ how great is this that the tea bag paper is so tattered. You are really working WITH the medium, art friend. *smiles* Norma, x

  7. The tree is beautiful. It has been such a long time since I visited, so what a lovely time I have just had catching up with all your projects. The tea bag pieces are always so gorgeous and I love your little accordion books. Then it is so nice to see all your other projects with pebbles and you necklaces, everything you create has your love of nature shining through.
    It was also so good to read you are feeling so much better, you have been able to start running again, so pleased to hear of your recovery. I see the snow has arrived on the mountains and your first frosts, lovely scenes.
    I must not leave it so long to visit next time. Happy creating. X

  8. Gorgeous tree!! LOVE how you use your teabags!

  9. Me, too, Kim. Especially this one.

  10. Beautiful Kim! So much openness for such a intimate piece :)

  11. don't we all? this is a great tribute...

  12. I imagine that I am part of the tree and that its Oaken silhouette at sunset is my breath.
    Thank you for honoring The Tree in this beautiful piece.

  13. trees are beautiful I their literal sense and symbolic sense. beautiful piece of art.

  14. This is great Kim!. I have a thing about trees too. Especially ones without their leaves.
