
Saturday, October 5, 2013

Ode To Tea

 A while ago a local art gallery had a show with the theme
'Ode to Tea'
Which inspired me to make this accordion book
 Where two little bubble birds
 were going to have some afternoon
bubble tea.
Here you can see the how it looks on the back when it stands open.
The whole thing is of course covered with tea stained tea bags.
The show was lovely -
many beautiful tea pots and cups joined my bubble birds,
and a few other tea bag books I made.


  1. Wow ! how your eyes must have lit up when you saw that theme.A great excuse for getting out the tea bag paper. ( Not that you need an excuse lol ) Yet another lovely creation I especially like the birds.

  2. beautiful! I love those bubbles and the idea for this booklet is just great!
    have a nice weekend x Stefanie

  3. Beautiful Kim, I adore your accordion books especially the one that lives in my living room which I have the joy of seeing every day!!

  4. An ode to tea fits right in with your beautiful art. I love the birds and the bubble tea.

  5. such a charming and also gorgeous book!

  6. Super Kim! I l love the texture and colors- so earthy :)

  7. Happy day to you friend! Oh those bubbles. Such fun. Your art is beautiful and fun at the same time. I love what you do. I've not been on line so much this past month and need to catch up on some important posts! Like yours! I do not want to miss one little thing you might be up to. Talk soon, hugs, Norma, xo

  8. Hi Kim. You've just proven how inspiring it can be to go to galleries is for artists. It's something we all should do whenever we can. Joyous work your little ode to tea! xo Carole

  9. Dear Kim: I. LOVE. the BUBBLEBIRDS!!!

  10. whimsy and gorgeosity all in one... well done

  11. Beautiful book, and I adore your tea bag paper!
