
Thursday, October 10, 2013

The Collection

We are at the final stages of autumn.
  The leaves have blown off the trees,
the frost has made the flowers disappear,
and the rocks will soon be covered once again with snow.
To preserve a bit of their beauty,
and to help me through the many months of winter
I have played once again with botanical bits and rocks.
I preserved a series of  autumn beauties

As well as a summertime series
In a variety of sizes.
A collection that can be enjoyed individually or all together.


  1. These are wonderful and must feel lovely when held in your hand too. What a fabulous idea.

  2. Kim- These are beautiful treasures...and will be lovely to gaze at during winter (or any time!). Do the colors continue to stay as vibrant as time goes on? Any chance that some of these show up in your Etsy shop?

  3. Oh, how I love these !!!
    Are they seal with wax ? Or some other magic ?
    Lovely capturing of these final beauties.

  4. oh my and my autumn is just beginning... lovely work as always!

  5. Kim - these are fabulous. What a great idea. Your winter sure comes early and stays late! Stay warm & keep creating.

  6. it weird to say I just love yor rocks? ♥♥♥

  7. I hear you Kim but I've been so spoiled by the warmer winters here on the Island I can't remember what winters with snow and cold are like anymore. I hope your rocks keep your soul warm in these cold months to come. If you need to see some green leaves or grey rocks we have a guest room ready and waiting for you. xo Carole

  8. Oh these are amazing, i want so badly to adopt one. Please let me know if you ever want to do a tiny trade. :) xx
