
Saturday, March 22, 2014

A Shelter Amongst the Storm

I have been very busy with work lately.
It gives me headaches which still stem back to a concussion I received over 2 years ago.
It takes me so much energy to keep it all orgainized in my brain.

So I came home and created this little book.

I collaged, and painted and stamped and drew and scribbled.

I didn't think as I created.
I just did it.

and I can now see once again
that creating is my shelter amongst my storm.


  1. yes yes yes!!! creating is my shelter against the storm! yes! beautiful words and art, i simply love it xx

  2. This just shows how much creativity you have inside just waiting to burst out. You don't even have to think about it. Your little book is a lovely thing. I am sorry to hear that your concussion is still having an effect on you. It is a good thing that you can take solace in your art.

  3. And maybe this delightful little house is your haven? Even if not, it's charming.

  4. It’s too bad this beautiful book had to come from such pain. But isn’t it wonderful to have the solace!

  5. I'm so sorry for the headaches but the book is marvelous. A friend recently gave me a crazy collection of fun gifts for a belated Christmas offering. Some of the items related to inside jokes and thank you's for little art projects I've sent from time to time, and one item was a magazine called "Somerset Studio" about the art of paper and mixed media, which she knows I love. I was delighted to see a cover photo and article featuring your lovely work!!!

  6. What a beautiful book - it's absolutely bursting with visual treats & emotion. Thank goodness for the act of creating to keep one sane & provide a safe haven...

  7. Oh Kim, I was hoping the headaches were a thing of the past for you. Take care of yourself and I know you'll be seeking more of your wonderful shelter. xo Carole

  8. YOUR work is always so inspiring...Beautiful ( :

  9. This is beautiful! I love the yellow, and the little houses! Was great to see you!

  10. sheltering BEauty
