
Tuesday, March 18, 2014

I Spy - More Winged Tales

Winged Tales was a series of books I created for an exhibition. 
And today I thought I would share my artist statement that goes with the exhibition. 


It started with birds.
Each with their own story.
Birds of my daily wanderings.
Birds in books portrayed by early explorers.
Northern Birds…. Extinct Birds….. Tropical Birds….. Fictional Birds.
A variety of winged beauties, wanting their tales to continue.
And so I drew them.
These drawings collided with dictionary pages and tea bags,
Which in turn collided with my handmade books.
Books to tuck these birds inside - A way perhaps to keep them safe.
Safe from the wind turbines, airplane propellers,
skyscrapers, habitat loss, and even my windows in the woods.
Birds and their stories tucked away to keep them safe.
Oh how I wish it was so easy.


This is one of the smaller books I made.
It is called 'I Spy'

And each page has a circle with a bird inside the circle. 

On every other page I punched a circle hole in the paper 
and inserted the bird so that it is a transparency - and can be viewed from either side.

It is just a little glimpse 
into their stories.


  1. Beautiful! I love the shape of the book and the idea of inserting the bird images so they can be seen from both sides.

  2. Oh Kim what a delightful creation! These birds have personalities, can you hear them whispering within the pages?

  3. Beautiful book, and I especially loved your statement! Wonderfully written!

  4. Beautiful. I love the shape! ♥♥♥

  5. Poignant statement,
    elegant small book.

  6. beautiful and elegant- I love how each is set against the white- makes them seem highlighted :)

  7. such BEAUTY, this post and the stirred my feathers and heart as I'd like to hold each one of your eggs!
