
Thursday, June 26, 2014


I called it  findings
in the hope that I could 
find some time
 to find the creativity
that lately seems to 
be slipping through my fingers.

I worked so hard to find it
and now I have to work hard to keep it. 

Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Coming Into Rhythm

There has been a big change in the rhythm of my life.
Work has shifted into the busyness that summer brings with staff and visitors
Home's rhythm has changed to include the busyness of the daughters returned from their winter at school
Forest fire season has begun, which changes the rhythm of the times I spend with the fire fighting hubby.

 I hope that I am beginning to find the rhythm of the season
in order that I find some time to create.
For create I must, or else I am not the whole that I am meant to be.
The whole that keeps me happy. 

I found some time to paint this week.
And I will continue to work towards 
coming into a comfortable rhythm.

Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Finding My Creativity

It has been so long since I have had a chunk of time to be creative.
But it finally happened - This week I had some time - but I couldn't figure out what to do.
I tried and tried  to be creative but it just wouldn't come.
I guess I am out of practice.  

I finally made these cards, using some dyed tea bags, and my hand carved stamps. 
and although they are okay
they have not satisfied my need to create. 
I will continue to work to find something more creative to sink my whole self into
or at least that is what I hope.