
Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Finding My Creativity

It has been so long since I have had a chunk of time to be creative.
But it finally happened - This week I had some time - but I couldn't figure out what to do.
I tried and tried  to be creative but it just wouldn't come.
I guess I am out of practice.  

I finally made these cards, using some dyed tea bags, and my hand carved stamps. 
and although they are okay
they have not satisfied my need to create. 
I will continue to work to find something more creative to sink my whole self into
or at least that is what I hope. 


  1. Nothing worse than a dry spell. Although these don't look that dry to me! But I hear you. I have been having a dry spell for a while now......We just have to wait I guess and it will come............It's marinating now. :)

  2. These are great! Wonderful for you to get some time to be creative. I'm just about to carve some new linos and have bought some stamp rubber (is that what it's to carve some new stamps. I've got this idea of a collage of stamp images on some ephemera. Cross you fingers for me.

  3. Hi Kim, I think the cards are wonderful..oh and your stone pins with the beautiful birds too! It's been a while since I've been able to visit your blog...I so enjoyed looking at all your nature-inspired creations and what a special photo of beautiful you.

  4. Yes, it IS creative! They are lovely. Put them up in your shop and I bet they sell just like 'that'!

  5. It's been lovely fun to catch up on your recent posts and activities, Kim. The circle necklaces are particular favorites of mine. good luck carving out time to make and wander in your mind, or vice versa. Best wishes, sus

  6. Beautiful images! I love these monotypes!

  7. All of them are just so beautiful...

  8. I can certainly empathize with you. Things just come up in living life, that requires making choices. I am in the middle of that dilemma.....despite taking some online classes, a gallery to paint for, there is simply no when I do get a few hours once a week, I am frozen not knowing which way to turn. This has actually become a "way of life' for me and it is frustrating. It is good you made something (which I think are lovely) and I hope you can find more time and the creativity will surge back. You will know it when it happens....the best to you. smiles: sharon

  9. I am really liking all the cards...NICE WORK = )

  10. I think you have been wonderfully creative. These are amazing!
    (I do know what you mean need to just catch up on lost time... :).......)
    Zue x

  11. Cards are a great start and these are so lovely! And I can imagine the happy recipients!

  12. I saw a lot of creativity but I know what you mean when you think you've created a part of your spirit that is craving release. You just know when you nailed it. These are lovely cards and I love that many artful mediums pass through your hands. Isn't it just wonderful to not have to stick with just any one of them? Keep on :-)

  13. Gosh, I've somehow missed so much on your lovely blog. How did that happen? These are lovely.
    I do understand what you're saying. For me the summer is always a time of family and visits and trips away (which is wonderful in its own way but creativity always seems to be squeezed and I'm left feeling frustrated. I'm not sure this is a problem I can solve.
