
Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Coming Into Rhythm

There has been a big change in the rhythm of my life.
Work has shifted into the busyness that summer brings with staff and visitors
Home's rhythm has changed to include the busyness of the daughters returned from their winter at school
Forest fire season has begun, which changes the rhythm of the times I spend with the fire fighting hubby.

 I hope that I am beginning to find the rhythm of the season
in order that I find some time to create.
For create I must, or else I am not the whole that I am meant to be.
The whole that keeps me happy. 

I found some time to paint this week.
And I will continue to work towards 
coming into a comfortable rhythm.


  1. Good luck finding the rhythm of summer. My own little urchins have one more week of school and then I'll be doing the odd rhythm juggle/shimmy as well. Sending hopes that there are few fire for your hubby to fight this season. Enjoy!

  2. This is beautiful Kim. My son is a smokejumper and I understand what you mean about fire season and seeing your husband less. I also understand about finding rhythm. It changes tempo every season, but life would be boring if it didn't.

  3. First I am wishing safety for your firefighter! Second, I am also looking for a rhythm in this new home and new set of responsibilities I've arrived at. Funny, one of the things that I was tired of prior to my move was the predictable routine!
    Off to the studio this morning after I meet for coffee with a new friend. Good luck to us both in carving out painting time aplenty!

  4. Looks like you are adjusting to your summertime rhythm very well....this is lovely!

  5. This is a good reminder for me, Kim. I feel overcome with the busyness around me too - I get out of sorts without that creative time.

  6. Kim your artwork is gorgeous. Best to you on shifting rhythms!

  7. This is Safe summer wishes to your family.

  8. The summer rhythm will be different here too. My husband is home..... looking for work..... I'm not use to this. Even my breathing rhythm has changed. Probably because there has been no studio time for me either. Take care, Kim. I hope summer sun and ice teas help. xo C

  9. Beautifully unique and inspiring work! Truly amazing. Thank you for sharing it!
