
Wednesday, December 31, 2014

2014 - My Year of Birds

2014 was my year of birds

In January I drew birds
 . . . . . . . . lots of them.

I transferred my drawings to tea bags
and made some books.

In February myself and a friend had a small exhibition entitled
'Winged Tales'
and I thought I would be tired of these birds

but I am not, 
and these birds have traveled through many art projects throughout the whole year. 

I recently created this collection of bird stones, 
which have now flown to new homes. 

What fun I have had with them all through the year.

I wouldn't be surprised if these birds continued to show up in 2015. 


  1. Bowled over with beauty, that's me. Stunning work...! Happy new year to you. xo

  2. These are wonderful Kim! Always I am completely awed by your style and color palette! So beautiful!
    Happy New Year to you and your family!

  3. I love your birds and your books! Happy New Year Kim!

  4. What a delightful image to finish off the year. I hope the bird continue in 2015 too. Happy new year to you and yours xx

  5. Year of the that a Canadian thing????? LOL like the chinese name each year after an animal..... ;) Whatever it is your birds are lovely!

    1. Ha Ha - Not a Canadian thing - Just me drawing and playing with bird drawings all year long in 2014 - maybe this year it will be rodents or bugs or chairs or spoons - who knows . . . . .

  6. Beautiful work - phantastic!!
    Happy New Year from Germany

  7. They're charming everyone ... a pleasure to see!
