
Tuesday, December 23, 2014

Winter World

My winter world has been beautiful lately.

Today my daughter and I headed out for our walk at the brightest part of the day, 
so that we could take some pictures along the way.

Although there is some direct light on the mountain at this time of the year, 
we never see the sun, as it doesn't come above our mountain filled horizon.

I am not complaining, as I love winter,
but it does make picture taking somewhat difficult. 

Our walk took us over this little bridge and through the woods,
among the trees covered in snow. 

And my daughter could not resist
standing under the tree

and giving it a shake.

We had a beautiful walk,
and now I share with you some images
of my Winter World.....

And wish you all 
A Joy Filled Christmas Season


  1. Your winter wonderland is gorgeous! (I can say that from my warm sunny climate....)

  2. kim, thank you for these pics! soooo gorgeous! i wish you all the joy and merriness possible this christmas!


  3. Thanks for sharing your wonderfull Winter-pictures!

    Best wishes and smiles from Belgium, Saskia :)

  4. Dear Kim, your winter world is like a beautiful and peaceful dream! What a blessing to have access to such wonder. Shaking the tree is something my son would do too! Ha ha! Merry Christmas to you and your family!

  5. You have captured the beauty of winter snow to perfection. The words 'winter wonderland' absolutely come to mind!

  6. What a stunning place! Merry Christmas to you Kim. xo

  7. THANK YOU DEAREST KIM!! Season's Greetings to you and your family! This cold snow post warmed my heart. N, x

  8. What stunning photos ... And what an amazing landscape! Greetings t you and your family.

  9. How absolutely beautiful! As a Sydneysider, in mid summer, in heat and high humidity, your photos are like a dream world. Looking out my window is see tree ferns and gum trees - I can't imagine your winter but I just love being given a glimpse. Thank you, and also thanks to Seth Apter, The Altered Page, who led me here. Happy New Year!
