
Wednesday, October 30, 2013

A Tale To Tell

Yes, I have a Tale to Tell.
Some time ago Somerset Studio Magazine had a readers challenge with the topic 'Winter'.  
Living in such a winter part of the world, and enjoying it as I do, I  knew I wanted to submit something. 
I made a little book and mailed it off, not even knowing if it would make it before the deadline.  

But it did, 
and then I got an email asking if I would be interested in writing an article on how I created it. 
And of course I was!

My little book was made with my handmade paper and winter photographs that I have taken.

Yesterday I received my copy of the magazine in the mail.
And WOW!- what a beautiful job they did of displaying my little book.

Three pages of mostly pictures of my little creation. 

And to top that off they even put it on the cover of the magazine!

If you are in a bookstore and see this magazine,
just know that it is for me a dream come true - and one that I wasn't even expecting!

Friday, October 25, 2013

On Holiday

I have been away for the past few weeks.  
I spent some time in Nova Scotia with my sister and her family

and her chickens.

Then I went to Ontario 
- to attend a wedding
- and to celebrate my daughters 20th birthday (and somehow took no pictures that day).

My sister in Nova Scotia has a beautiful black smith shop that she and her husband and family built last year. 

and I got to play with my sister trying my hand at blacksmithing.

My sister makes it look easy . . . .

but its not. 

When I wasn't hammering metal, I enjoyed taking a few photos

of her wonderful work place.

Here are the hooks that I made.  
They took me three times as long to make, and they are not nearly as straight or neat as hers are.

but oh what fun we had.

Here is  what she made for me last year. 
A lot of heated and pounded metal went into the making of the hanger, 
and then she used her amazing handwriting skills to write on a a tree slab. 

What a wonderful holiday I had!

Sunday, October 20, 2013

I Love Trees

I love trees
especially the ones that have room to stretch out
and show off

and wave to all those who pass by.
Well actually I love all kinds of trees . . . .  but today I am sure enjoying this one.

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Thursday, October 10, 2013

The Collection

We are at the final stages of autumn.
  The leaves have blown off the trees,
the frost has made the flowers disappear,
and the rocks will soon be covered once again with snow.
To preserve a bit of their beauty,
and to help me through the many months of winter
I have played once again with botanical bits and rocks.
I preserved a series of  autumn beauties

As well as a summertime series
In a variety of sizes.
A collection that can be enjoyed individually or all together.

Saturday, October 5, 2013

Ode To Tea

 A while ago a local art gallery had a show with the theme
'Ode to Tea'
Which inspired me to make this accordion book
 Where two little bubble birds
 were going to have some afternoon
bubble tea.
Here you can see the how it looks on the back when it stands open.
The whole thing is of course covered with tea stained tea bags.
The show was lovely -
many beautiful tea pots and cups joined my bubble birds,
and a few other tea bag books I made.