I didn't get as much done today as I would have liked, but that seems to be the case most days for me. Maybe for you too..... I had trouble getting images printed that I wanted to mount in necklace bezels I have made. I wanted to use images of photographs I have taken, and paintings I have painted. I had chosen some, and saved them, but when I went to print them they were not as sharp as I wanted. So I had to go back into my files and refind them, and in my search I found a couple of images that I had forgotten about. The one above I made into a book cover.

This one was made using a copy of a drawing that I cut into pieces, and then transfered
onto watercolour paper and painted.... I don't think I did anything with the finished creation - or I haven't yet anyway.
Even when things don't go as planned, there is usually something good that comes of it, and finding these images of paintings that I did some time ago made me smile.
I love! I love your warm colors!