I am still working in plaster - but the process is somewhat different. Today, I worked on trying to transfer a copy of a drawing I did onto a plastered board that I added paint too.

I added some transfered text and bits of stamps to finish it off. This was a learning/practice piece.... There is definitely potential with this technique... my mind is whirring with ideas.

I also worked on this piece. It was supposed to be a cover for a book - but the mat board I put the plaster onto warped a bit, so not sure if it will work as a book. I am still working on the back cover, and then I will see if it will become a book. I continue to learn every day!

The cover of the book is stamped with a handcarved stamp I made a while ago- with the word 'finding' written beside her.

And here is a plaster piece in the very early stages.... I have an idea of what I want to do with this, but it will probably change along the way as I work on it.
This is the final week of my plaster course, but there is SO MUCH I haven't even tried yet!